Thursday, January 7, 2010

Cleaning Floor Tile Grout What To Use For Routine Cleaning For Tile Floor Grout?

What to use for routine cleaning for tile floor grout? - cleaning floor tile grout

Grout only.


eskie lover said...

I use vinegar, because I'm too lazy to clean the mortar and brick individually. It removes almost everything except the red wine for which you need to bleach or borax. However, vinegar to clean the grout is excellent because it is acidic and there is no need to rinse.

Katie H said...

You can buy cleaning products that can be specifically designed for cleaning the majority of joint operations and is today a wet Swiffer pad, the texture of a strip of 1 / 2 inches wide at a corner so you have to Heaven in your hand and rub the joints without putting in your hands and knees.

~ Floridian`` said...

A paste of baking soda and water and a toothbrush.

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